Starter Motor 2873B056 2873A031 2873K632 2873A102 for Perkins Engine
Starter Motor 2873B056 for Perkins Engine
It is well known that engine starting requires external support, and Starter Motor 2873B056 for Perkins Engine is playing this role. Broadly speaking, the Starter Motor 2873B056 for Perkins Engine uses three components to carry out the entire starting process. The DC motor brings in the current from the battery and generates the mechanical movement of the starter's drive gear; the transmission mechanism engages the drive gear into the flywheel ring and can automatically disengage it after the engine starts; and the starter circuit is controlled by an electromagnetic switch. The motor is the main component inside the starter.
Starter Motor 2873B056 for Perkins Engine works on the principle of the transformation process of energy based on Ampere's law, which we have been exposed to in junior high school physics, for example, the energized conductor is subjected to a force in a magnetic field. The electric motor includes the necessary parts such as armature, commutator, poles, brushes, bearings, and housing.
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Starter Motor 2873A031 for Perkins Engine
Starter Motor 2873A031 for Perkins Engine converts the electrical energy from the battery into mechanical energy, which drives the engine flywheel to rotate and start the engine. Before the engine can run under its own power, it must be rotated by an external force. Engine by external force from a standstill state to the transition to be able to run the process, known as the engine start.
Before the Starter Motor 2873A031 for Perkins Engine can run under its own power, it must be rotated with the help of external forces. Starter Motor 2873A031 for Perkins Engine by external force from a standstill state to be able to run the process of their own, known as the engine start. The common way to start the engine is human starting, auxiliary gasoline engine starting, and electric starting three forms. Human-powered start using rope pull or hand-cranked way, simple but inconvenient, and labor-intensive, only for some small power engines, in some cars only as a backup way to retain; auxiliary gasoline engine start is mainly used in high-power diesel engines; electric starting method is easy to operate, start quickly, with repeated starting ability and can be controlled from a distance, so it is widely used by modern cars.
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Starter Motor 2873K632 for Perkins Engine
According to the working principle, Starter Motor 2873K632 for Perkins Engine is divided into DC starter, gasoline starter, compressed air starter, and so on. Most internal combustion engines use a direct current starter, which is characterized by a compact structure, simple operation, and easy maintenance.
Starter Motor 2873K632 for Perkins Engine is composed of a DC series-excited motor, a manipulator mechanism, and a clutch mechanism. It is specialized to start the engine and requires a strong torque, so the amount of electric current to be passed is large, reaching several hundred amps.
The DC motor has high torque at low speed and gradually becomes less torque at high speed, which is very suitable for starter motor use. The starter motor adopts DC series excitation motor, the rotor and stator parts are wound with relatively thick rectangular cross-section copper wire; the driving mechanism adopts a reduction gear structure; the manipulating mechanism adopts the electromagnetic magnetic suction method.
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Starter Motor 2873A102 for Perkins Engine Series 4.236
Starter Motor 2873A102 for Perkins Engine Series 4.236 consists of a magnetic field (stator), an armature (rotor), and a rectifier. To increase torque a multi-pole magnetic field is used, commonly with four fields. When current passes through the armature coil, the whole coil is subjected to torque and rotates. Since a DC motor generates a counter-electromotive force when energized and is proportional to the engine speed and inversely proportional to the torque, it can meet the requirements when starting the engine. The starting current of the Starter Motor 2873A102 for Perkins Engine Series 4.236 is very high, therefore, the starting time must be short when operating.